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Ma ville Mon projet
My City, My Project (2019)

As part of the Master 1 Design Social Innovation. This project was commissioned by the Grau-du-Roi Town Hall to increase citizen involvement in the city.

In collaboration with Isis Plateau de Croÿ and Jullian Carrié .

Parcourt étudiant
Student path (2018)

As part of the Master 1 Design Social Innovation at the University of Nîmes. This project was commissioned by the CNOUS (National Center for University and school works) to rethink student houssing and services.

In collaboration with Carla Richard and Louise Berrotte .


Inégalité (inequality) in reverse order.

As part of the Bachelor of Arts (Design Degree) at the University of Nîmes. Personal final year end project on raising awareness of gender (in)equality issues.

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